Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another Right Foot

Another Right Foot 6x8 Oil on Masonite

Another painting of a foot. Whether or not it's my best foot forward, I don't know. With the previous right foot and now this right foot maybe the next painting will be the Hokey Pokey?

One more foot to go and I'll have painted a yard! (Three feet, get it?)



  1. LOL. you are funny, Ken. And a nice looking foot. The reflections are well done, too.

  2. Hi Liz! Thanks for staying afoot of my blog. I worked really hard taking a photo of this painting and even after MANY tries I still have glare! For a while the camera would focus on the background leaving the painting blurred.

    Ah well. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and eventually I get where I'm going. Maybe.

    Ken B.

  3. Hi Ken!
    I like this post! I like the foot, the background, the floor, the reflection, the joke... ;) and I don't even use the 'inches' system !

    (I'm feeling kind of nerd today *sigh*)

  4. Thank you, Carolina. None of this is so serious that I can't laugh at it. How ridiculous to be painting FEET! I need to work on putting feet on a full figure.
    Your DSFDF Madison Ave ("STOP") is wonderful - and once again you illustrate some of the steps in making your painting. WOW! I need to quit being a clown and get to work. :-)

    Warmest regards,
    Ken B.


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