Updated Photo 1/2/10 - The photo of the "new" painting is on the left, the "old" painting is on the right. I tried to improve the rendering of the woman's hands and face. The darker photo is just digital bloggerization; I didn't change anything about the house in the painting. Honest!
For a person who tries to avoid GREEEEEN, I sure went through a LOT of green in this painting. I picked this out of some public domain photos on the internet cause it seemed like I needed to make a painting.
It's hard to believe, but this will be my last posting in 2009! Tomorrow is 2010. That number seems cumbersome to me but I'll need to get used to it.
I'll probably make some adjustments to this painting after a while and before I sign it. I guess it will be finished when it's finished.
Happy New Year!